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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Cristiano Ronaldo kissing Bipasha Basu

The sexy actress Bipasha Basu is mainly known for her amazing body. Bipasha Basu made headlines quite a number of times just for her ravishing figgure but for her on screen and off screen kissing controversies.

In 2007, just when there were talks of all not being well between Bipasha and John came pictures of Bipasha partying with and kissing Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo. But Bipasha maintained that she’d been a fan of Cristiano for five years and that they were just friends. John Abraham her boyfriend at that point of time was reportedly very upset over the entire issue. Since Bipasha had not informed him about the whole incident, John apparently found pictures of the Bipasha-Ronaldo kiss while surfing the internet. Bipasha though claimed that the photo was taken out of context.

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